SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois lawmakers have voted overwhelmingly to re-open a southern Illinois prison.

The Senate voted 36-14 Tuesday in favor of re-opening the low-security Hardin County Work Camp in Cave-in-Rock. Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner closed it last winter because of falling inmate numbers and a budget crisis.

Officials say the state will save $1 million in annually and $10 million in required renovation.

Democratic Sen. Gary Forby of Benton says the camp should reopen to spare jobs and retain inmate work-skills programs.

Sen. Dale Righter, a Mattoon Republican, says Democrats need to find the money for the projects they want to fund.

The House voted 69-34 in March to reopen the facility.

The legislation goes to Rauner. A spokeswoman did not immediately comment.