CHICAGO (AP) — The House Judiciary-Criminal Law Committee heard from victims of gun violence during a hearing in Chicago.

Mille Burgos sobbed as she shared the story of her 18-year-old daughter, Alexandria Burgos, who she lost to gun violence in 2014. The teenager was killed by a stray bullet that came in through a kitchen window and hit her in the head.

Burgos said Tuesday people who shouldn’t have guns are somehow getting them.

Teacher Gayinga Washington said she went to a funeral over the weekend for a close friend who was shot and killed. She said finger pointing must stop and something done to end the shooting.

However, John Weber of the National Rifle Association urged the House members not to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of the gun dealer licensing bill.

House Speaker Michael Madigan in calling for the hearing said he wants discussion on the effort to end illegal firearms sales.