SPRINGFIELD (AP) — Gov. Bruce Rauner says that if Illinois takes over Chicago Public Schools, he’ll stand up to the teachers’ union on contract negotiations.

The first-term Republican governor said Wednesday that he backs a proposal to allow a state-appointed board to take over operations of the nation’s third-largest school district. An appointed authority would have the ability to negotiate new contracts.

The Chicago Teachers Union is locked in contentious negotiations with school officials. The union went on strike in 2012, its first walkout in 25 years.

Rauner accused Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel of caving on contract negotiations then and says Emanuel is set to do so again.

Emanuel’s spokeswoman said the mayor is “100 percent opposed” to the plan and criticized Rauner for failing to agree with Democrats on a state budget for the current fiscal year.

The CTU called the proposal the latest of example where Rauner “clumsily attempts to lead.”

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